When little Solar was three years old, Yuko gave him her own hand-drawn picture book, Solar and the Baby Dinosaur, as a birthday present. The idea came out of Yuko’s interactions with Solar who wanted to be friends with a dinosaur. Everyone fell in love with the book! Fast forward two years to 2017, So So Little Reads, named after Seiko’s two children, Sophie and Solar, was born. We are focused on publishing high quality children's books in English, Japanese, and Chinese. Our books are meant to be both entertaining and educational for young children, and to be used as supplements for learning a new language.
Seiko Shih, Founder and CEO, Translator, & Editor
幼少期をアメリカのニューヨークとボストンで過ごす。学習院大学卒業。テレビ朝日CNN Headlineなど、テレビ番組のキャスターやレポーターを経て再び渡米、ニューヨーク大学教育学部修士課程終了。現在、NYにて声優として活躍する傍ら、2児の子育てに励む。
Born in Japan, Seiko Shih spent her early childhood years in New York and Boston, before returning to Tokyo where she graduated from Gakushuin University. After a few years working in news media, she went to New York University for her Masters in Education. She currently enjoys her work as a voice-over artist and translator. Seiko and her husband live in NYC with their two young children, Sophie and Solar. http://imdb.me/seikoshih
Yuko Yamamura, Author, Illustrator, and Jazz Musician
大阪音楽大学、バークリー音楽大学卒業。フレンチ・ホルン奏者/作曲家として日本とニューヨークを拠点に世界各国で活躍中。ジョン・レノン・ソングライティング・コンテスト、アメリカン・ソングライティング・アワードのジャズ部門にて最優秀賞を受賞。その他多くの賞を受賞。和太鼓奏者の片岡亮太氏とのデュオも話題になっている。 http://yukoyamamura.com
Author: Born in Kobe, Japan. Yuko Yamamura graduated from Osaka College of Music and Berklee College of Music. She is a Jazz French Horn player, composer, and arranger, based in Tokyo and New York. She is also the first Japanese to win grand prize from The John Lennon Song Writing Contest and American Songwriting Awards among many others. Her collaboration with Japanese Taiko Drum player, Ryota Kataoka,is gaining international attention as well. Aside from performing and composing, Yuko loves to draw and play with children. http://yukoyamamura.com
Special thanks to Sossi Essajanian and Dana Shiraki for editing help as well as to Xenia Iwasykiw, Marissa Kane, and all those who have contributed to making this book possible. Many thanks to my husband, George, for support, advice, and technical help.